Creative Systems, Inc. - Wizard Files

Wizard Files

1. You may need to update your GHS/BHS main program in order to use wizards with dates later than the date of your GHS.EXE or BHS.EXE file. Where a version number exists for a wizard, your GHS.EXE or BHS.EXE version must be the same or higher in order to run the wizard.

2. To install these wizards simply copy all of the files into your GHS/BHS program folder. After that is done the wizard name will appear in the pulldown menu in your main program.

FileSubjectUpdatedUse With
ACCELTR Transform acceleration vectors, incl. gravity v1.205/08/19GHS,BHS
BALLAST Ballast Advisor02/25/21GHS,BHS
C170170 46CFR170.170/173 Weather/Unusual Form Crit. v15.0207/26/24GHS,BHS
C171050 46CFR171.050 Passenger Heel GM Criterion v13.207/26/24GHS,BHS
CASEMASTER Case Master v9.00A02/16/15GHS
CRANE Crane Load Modeling v16.68w10/23/24GHS with CR
CRITER2 Criteria Wizard with Preconfigured Options v15.3005/15/24GHS
DAMSTAB2 Probabilistic Damage v18.94d01/30/25GHS
DDS079 DDS079 Navy Criteria v15.5410/12/20GHS
DISPLCOR Producing Displacement Correction Tables11/22/11GHS,BHS
DWSCALE Deadweight Scale wizard and Library v15.5602/18/21GHS,BHS
EXECWIZ Executive Wizard09/07/21GHS,BHS
FLDINTER Intermediate Stages of Flooding wizard v12.5303/06/19GHS,BHS
FLOOD_LEN Floodable Lengths Wizard v18.5005/24/23GHS,BHS
HOPPER Hopper spilling and flooding v17.70a10/22/24 GHS
HSPROP Hydrostatics, curves of form, and cross curves12/01/04 GHS,BHS
HULL_MAKER Hull Maker v1402/10/14 GHS,BHS
ICEBREAK Ice Breaker Simulation v207/13/21 GHS,BHS
IMPORTGF Importing Models into GHS12/01/04 GHS,BHS
INCLINE Inclining v15.30A02/13/17GHS,BHS
LIMITS Various predefined Limit Commands for GHS v11.805/06/19 GHS
LT Seakeeping Long Term Statistics wizard v1.406/03/22 GHS with SK
MAXHMMT Maximum Heeling Moment Curves wizard v13.102/23/23 GHS,BHS
MAXVCG Maximum VCG Curves wizard v10.6003/12/18 GHS
MAXVCG2 Maximum VCG Curves Helper wizard v13.0008/10/12 GHS
MB Multi-Body05/17/05 GHS with MB
PFEXPORT PF Export wizard for Word and HTML files v17.34A06/28/21 GHS,BHS
RENDER Render Wizard v1.1508/27/20 GHS,BHS
RIG Offshore platform max VCG wizard v15.8012/13/24 GHS
ROTATESHIP Rotates a vessel generating new stations.06/27/18 GHS
SAIL_IMPORT Sail/Superstructure Geometry Importing08/02/16 GHS,BHS
SK Seakeeping library v2.704/21/22 GHS with SK
TANK_ORDER Tank Reorder Wizard v18.0203/08/23 GHS,BHS
TANK_SOUND Tank Soundings Wizard v14.90B11/07/16 GHS with TS
TOO Table Of Offsets wizard10/03/14 GHS,BHS
TOWBOAT 46CFR173.095 Towline Pull Criterion v2.102/09/23 GHS
TPF Tank Property File Wizard09/04/07 GHS,BHS
TRANSFER Liquid Transfer Wizard v14.5603/03/20 GHS
VISIBILITY Visibility Wizard v3.007/21/23 GHS,BHS
WEATHER Weather Criterion Macro v15.2605/15/24 GHS
WOD Water on Deck v1.0401/13/16 GHS
WPL3 Three-point waterplane solver06/05/24 GHS,BHS
XFLOOD Crossflooding Wizard - MSC.362(92)01/31/20 GHS,BHS

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