The output file "TRACE.$$$", used during DAMSTAB calculations contains some
data which is not clear to interpret:
tank0.c Y= 999.99, Z= 0.08 FLOODED
tank1.c Y= 999.99, Z= 0.07 FLOODED
tank2.c Y= 999.99, Z= 1.76 FLOODED
what is the meaning of Y and Z ?
Y and Z are transverse and vertical bulkhead locations as adjusted for
the purpose of determining whether the tank should be flooded in the
present case.
Taking as examples the cases from the trace file submitted:
>Damaging division 9 WBH= 8.00 Inbd: 0
> HBH= 6.85 Uppr: 0
> BW-6BW.S Y= 10.16, Z= 0.08 FLOODED
> BW-6BC.S Y= 4.27, Z= 0.07
> BW-5TK.S Y= 10.66, Z= 1.76 FLOODED
> C-HOLD.C Y= 6.67, Z= 1.76
> C-GARAGE.C Y= 10.67, Z= 7.23
> Predominant flooding side is Stbd
The above case is without inboard (Inbd: 0) and without upper (Uppr: 0)
penetration. It can be seen that BW-6BW.S is flooded because it's Y is
at 10.16 which is greater then 8.00, the wing bulkhead location. However BW-6BC.S
is not flooded because Y=4.27 which is inboard of 8.00. C-GARAGE.C is not
flooded because Z=7.23 which is above the 6.85 deck level.
> Damaging division 9 WBH= 0.00 Inbd: 1
> HBH= 6.85 Uppr: 0
> BW-6BW.S Y= 999.99, Z= 0.08 FLOODED
> BW-6BC.S Y= 999.99, Z= 0.07 FLOODED
> BW-5TK.S Y= 999.99, Z= 1.76 FLOODED
> C-HOLD.C Y= 999.99, Z= 1.76 FLOODED
> C-GARAGE.C Y= 999.99, Z= 7.34
In this case there is no protection from the wing bulkhead and the side
penetration is complete. Therefore all tanks get flooded unless they have
a Z value above the 6.85 level.
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Creative Systems, Inc.