GHS Version 12.00 Update

New features, changes, and bug fixes since version 11.50

=========== MAJOR NEW FEATURES =========

Dramatic 100% to 200% Faster Performance

SOLVE, RA, and all other geometry operations run twice as fast as in previous versions.

MAXVCG command is 3 times faster than in previous versions, greatly speeding up long maximum VCG report runs.

Fastest performance is possible by minimizing the main program window or turning off continuous header status updating using the SCREEN NOHEAD command, but even these non-visual modes run 20% faster than in previous versions due to deep optimization of solving mechanism internals.

Finalized Windows Version of Part Maker (PM)

ENTER PM runs the finalized Window version of Part Maker, now including the graphic DISPLAY and DISPLAY PRINT commands. With the passing of the old DOS Part Maker program departs the last dependency on any 16-bit DOS program.

Main and auxiliary programs no longer have "32" suffix in their filenames (e.g. GHS32.EXE is now GHS.EXE, PM32.EXE is now PM.EXE, etc.).

ENTER, DISPLAY STATUS, etc. first try running versions of auxiliary programs without the "32" suffix if they are 32-bit Windows programs, otherwise falling back on any programs present having the "32" suffix. For example, ENTER PM would run PM.EXE if it is the new Windows version, otherwise running PM32.EXE if present, else running PM.EXE as a last resort.

ENTER PM16 and DISPLAY PRINT /16 run via the old 16-bit Part Maker program.

New Integrated Tank Soundings for TS Module

TS [(tanklist)] was added as an improved replacement for ENTER TS, writing Tank Soundings tables with Windows print formatting for the selected tanklist using the current vessel waterplane. Optional parameters:

/Format:n - table format: 1=Volume vs sounding (default);
2=Volume vs sounding & ullage in Ft & Inches or M. & Decimeters;
3=Volume, Cu.Ft/M., Center & Moments vs sounding;
4=Volume, Cu.Ft/M., Center, Trim Corr. & Transverse Moment vs sounding;
5=Cu.Ft/M., Volume & Weight vs sounding & ullage;
6=Volume, Cu.Ft/M., Weight, Center & FSM vs sounding;

/SOunding:soundunit - sounding unit: Feet (default), FI (feet & inches),
Inches, Meters (metric default), CM, or MM (formats 1, 3-6);

/INC:soundinc - sounding increment (formats 1, 3-6; default 1 inch or 1 CM;
increment unit matches sounding unit from any /SOUND parameter);

/VOLume:volumeunit - volume unit: GAllons U.S. (default), IMperial gallons,
CF, CY, CM, LIters (default for formats 1-2 in metric mode), or BB barrels;

/TRIM:trimunit - trim correction unit: Degrees (default), Feet, Inches,
Meters, or CM (format 4 only);

/MAX:maxsound - maximum level if no sounding tube (default is top of tank);

/NOTube - ignore any sounding tube;

/SUCTion - use reference point for lowest point of suction;

/ULLage - show ullages instead of soundings (format 3 only);

/HEADer:CONTents - include contents description;

/TEXT - writes report as pure text without formatting codes.

The full capabilities of the new TS command can also be accessed by using an easy-to-use Tanks Soundings wizard.

New Oil Cargo Tank Protection Regulation OUTFLOW Compliance

OUTFLOW /REG:23[C] was added to measure compliance with MARPOL Annex 1 reg 23 for oil cargo outflow (using the relaxed standard for combination carriers in reg 23.3.1 if /REG:23C was specified instead of /REG:23; requires AF module). Default /REG:12A measures reg 12A oil fuel outflow. Additional optional parameters for reg 23:

/DWT:weight - total deadweight at the summer load line draft (reg 23.4.3 and
23.4.4; default is the weight of the oil cargo tank list at 98% filling
optionally using any density specified with the /SPGR parameter);

/NBHD:n - number of evenly-spaced longitudinal bulkheads inside oil cargo tanks
(reg 23.3.2 and 23.6; default is 0);

/OVER[:pressure] - overpressure if oil cargo tanks are fitted to an inert gas
system (reg; default is 0, but if /OVER appears with no pressure
specified, then minimum value 5 kPa is used; otherwise pressure is specified
in current weight units divided by current length units squared).

Note some of regulation 23's definitions allow multiple interpretations or may depend on information not available to the program. For example, reg appears to be a typo since it compares dimensionless bi/B to 0.2L meters, so it is assumed that 0.2 was meant. Reg 23.6 allows "C3 = 0.77 for ships having two longitudinal bulkheads", which OUTFLOW interprets to mean two or more bulkheads. Reg 23.3.2's "minimum distance from the ship's side to the outer longitudinal bulkhead of the tank" cannot be precisely determined without details of the bulkhead geometry, so is estimated as minimum distance to the tank wall added to the width of the tank divided by one plus the number of bulkheads (if any).

New Tank Contents Features Including Asphalt Temperature Support

CONTENTS "ASPHALT @ temp" (or any 7-character name beginning "ASPHAL") uses temperature-volume correction values from the Asphalt Manual Series No. 6 Table 4-1 and ASTM D1250 for asphalt cements and cutback asphalts, with temperatures up to 527 degrees Farenheit (or up to 250 degrees if spgr is less than 0.85).

CONTENTS "ASPEMUL @ temp" (or any 7-character name beginning "ASPEMU") uses temperature volume correction values from the Asphalt Manual Series No. 6 Table 4-3 for emulsified asphalts with temperatures up to 200 degrees Farenheit.

CONTENTS "name @ temp" supports alternative petroleum names up to 7 characters.

CONTENTS @temp adjusts temperature for any selected petroleum tanks.

CONTENTS command now supports extremely low densities (less than 0.1 spgr) for solid fill materials such as foam only for the FROZEN tank type. Any attempts to change such low spgr tanks using LOAD or TYPE commands are ignored. Thus the correct sequence to set 99% load of FOAM contents with spgr 0.03 would be: LOAD 0.99 | TYPE FR | CONT FOAM, 0.03. To revert to normal, the CONT command would need to be issued first.

New Critical Point (CRTPT) Features Including Damage Location

CRTPT /TANK:name automatically sets the reference point for a DAMAGED tank to the location of the lowest critical point that is linked to the tank.

CRTPT [(n)] "descr" l, MIN|MAX, v sets the transverse coordinate equal to the MINimum (portmost) or MAXimum (startboardmost) value at the given l and v for all displacer parts on the vessel. This substition of MIN or MAX for the transverse coordinate is also supported for the ADD, GROUND, PULL, THRUST, and WEIGHT commands.

CRTPT [(n)] "descr" l, t, MIN|MAX sets the vertical coordinate equal to the MINimum or MAXimum value at the given l and t for all displacer parts on the vessel. This substition of MIN or MAX for the vertical coordinate is also supported for the ADD, GROUND, PULL, THRUST, and WEIGHT commands.

REFPT [(partlist)] l, MIN|MAX, v sets the transverse coordinate equal to the MINimum or MAXimum value at the given l and v for each listed part.

REFPT [(partlist)] l, t, MIN|MAX sets the vertical coordinate equal to the MINimum or MAXimum value at the given l and t for each listed part.

STAT CRTPT:SOrt subparameter was added to show all critical points sorted down from least height above the waterplane.

CRTPT maximum number of critical points was increased from 99 to 250.

New WIND Features

HMMT WIND /C[O|1|2] supports a new parameter /TRIMallow, which allows the current trim angle to be used when deriving the upright heeling moment from the wind plane. Formerly zero trim was always used except in the odd case where the current heel was exactly zero at the time of the HMMT command. Now the /TRIMallow parameter is required in order for it to accept non-zero trim, otherwise trapping an error when heel is zero or trim is fixed. (There is no restriction on trim without the /C parameter.)

HMMT WIND /C[O|1|2] /TRIM:trim was added to specify the trim angle used when deriving the upright heeling moment from the wind plane.

HMMT WIND /C[O|1|2] supports a new parameter /DRAFTallow, which allows the current waterplane to be the basis for the upright wind heeling moment without regard to whether that draft represents the current weight of the vessel; otherwise, HMMT WIND always uses a waterplane agreeing with the current weight.

HMMT WIND /C[O|1|2] /DEPTH:depth was added to specify the origin depth to be used for wind heeling moment, which may differ from the current origin depth.

HMMT WIND supports a new parameter /YESNEGBELOW to consider deducting components when computing underwater lateral plane area, which are otherwise ignored (except for STAT LPLANE). This parameter does not apply with /BAND.

New Righting Arm (RA) Features

RA /LIM now reports negative angles and zero values when downflooding occurs initially at equilibrium (either by weathertight points or by normal downflooding points). Formerly it reported Undefined in most of these cases. (This is essentialy a cosmetic enhancement.)

RA /LIM /STOP:angle (where angle is a literal angle) now will stop at the given angle or the highest angle in the given ANGLES list whichever is least.

RA /STOP:FLD|CRT no longer stops for watertight points.

RA /RAMACRO[:name] parameter was added to cause the named macro ("RAMACRO" by default) to be executed to obtain effective heel righting arm values. This macro is responsible for defining the output real variable RAH_RA to equal the righting arm in current length units based on the current heel. For example:

Using a macro to calculate average righting arm in waves:

WAVE 180, 100 /NOPRINT


New Free Surface Moment (FSM) Features

FSMMT now accepts a specific load fraction to be given along with the optional second free-surface-moment function f2. If this fraction is 0.5 or greater, f2 applies at that load and above. If less than 0.5, f2 applies at that load and below. The extended syntax is,

FSMMT [(tanklist)] = f1 [,f2 [@ lf]]

where lf is the load fraction, 0.95 being assumed if it is absent.

SOLVE /FSM:UPright parameter was added to provide a more convenient way of applying FSM at zero heel (when equilibrium is not at zero heel). This can also be used with /TRUEFSM and /EXTRAFSM. It does not affect the result of the SOLVE, but it communicates to a subsequent RAH /FSM command that the FSM is to be applied from an upright waterplane. In summary,

1) FSM adjustment applied perpendicular to zero heel and trim:


2) FSM adjustment applied perpendicular to true equilibrium heel and trim:

STATUS WE /FSM `optional

3) FSM adjustment applied perpendicular to FSM equilibrium heel and trim:

STATUS WE /FSM `optional

In the manual under the RAH command there is a discussion about this same issue where two examples are given. The first of the two examples in the manual is wrong and should be replaced by the first example above. An alternate method that yields the same result as 1) above but includes a STATUS report is also available:


Note that this last method does not need the new UPRIGHT subparameter.

New Native and Pressurized TYPE Features

TYPE type /NATIVE parameter was added to cause the indicated type to become the "native" type for the tank selection, so that later setting such a tank to type INTACT would instead set it to the native type. By default the native type is INTACT. If a tank's native type is set to something else, the only way to get it back to INTACT type is with an explicit TYPE INTACT /NATIVE command.

TYPE [(tanklist]) PRessurized /HEAD:height was added for behavior just like DECK type except with the specified head height of pressurized air (at constant pressure) deducted after filling to the external waterplane or spilling 100% load from both the tank's Reference Point and its mirror image. PRESSURIZED differs from the BUBBLE type by basically being lost buoyancy with constant pressure, whereas the BUBBLE tank is added weight with constant air quantity.

TYPE and LOAD /Quiet parameter was added to avoid screen messages such as "All tanks empty", "Load set in all tanks", and "The type of all tanks is ...".

New Report Formatting Features

REPORT /BOX:COLOR|BW fancy report page headers are now uniformly formatted using the font specified by PRINT /FONT (or Arial by default); this formerly happened only when MESSAGE REPFONT was turned on, so was excluding plots or pages created by auxiliary programs like CG, GS, and PM.

MESSAGE ALTVERSION version is now displayed the same on all report page headers, including plots and external program output.

COPY file1.PF file2.JPG /CONVert[:quality] [/PAGE:pagenumber] converts the indicated print file page (default=first) to a JPG file using quality setting from 0 to 100 (default=75). Note this conversion also works for input PPF or PF* files and output BMP files.

PRINT now shrinks plots and Condition Graphics in printer landscape mode as necessary to prevent risk of trapping "Plot Area too small" overflow errors. PRINT /FOOTMARGIN:inches for inches<=0 suppresses this overflow protection, permitting individual Condition Graphics pages to be printed using the full landscaped page area (but "Plot area too small" errors are possible if the user is not careful). The effective footer margin is the absolute value of inches specified.

Report menu "Setup printer -> Paper size" was reduced by one line for Ledger/A3 and A4 paper to prevent collision with the footer.

PRINT supports an unlimited number of plot table rows without trapping "Table row limit exceeded".

PRINT plot clipping and color control was improved.

PRINTER CONFIGURE /FOOT:textfile supports additional toggle control characters ASCII 17 (center each line separately, instead of entire footer text as a single block) and ASCII 18 (omit border box).

New Model Converter (MC) Enhancements

MC file1.DXF file2.GF /LAYERS:@NOpoint parameter was added to import all layer names containing a valid location number, regardless of whether a decimal point (represented by "$" or "_") was included. By contrast, /LAYERS:@ skips layers without decimal point marks. Both forms now correctly scale non-foot /UNITS, no longer requiring explicit /SCALE correction.

MC DXF format /LAYER:name now supports spaces and more than 12 character names.

MC HEC format importing with .SHP extension removes any unresolved components.

MC OFE format importing now supports detached lobes that are only connected to the centerline by a zero-width line.

New Condition Graphics (CG) Enhancements

DISPLAY STATUS BODY @list :WITHSAILs subparameter was added to include sails in the body view.

DISPLAY STATUS BODY view no longer obscures parts that fit within deducting components of other parts.

DISPLAY STATUS now shows colors set by CONTENTS "name @ temp" /COLOR:n for alternative petroleum substance names.

DISPLAY STATUS now sorts drawings of multiple-component parts so the nearest components are on top.

New Floodable Lengths (FL) Enhancements

FL /CRTpts[:ONLY] parameter was added to check FLOOD and TIGHT critical points and report the least flood point heights. If the :ONLY subparameter is present, then only flood points heights (and optionally GMt) are considered, with any deck-edge margins ignored.

FL command now supports multiple displacer parts.

New Load Editor (LE) Enhancements

LOAD EDIT /LS:Both subparameter was added for LEw to automatically update both "SHR%" and "MMT%" displayed in the header.

LOAD EDIT|STAT /WDEC:places was added to specify the number of decimal places to use when displaying weight values.

LOAD EDIT /CRANE automatic updating of crane capacity% was made more sensitive.

LOAD /FSM:Change[:All] parameter was added to enable a LEw right-click menu in the Contents column which gives the option to change the selected tank's FSM method to either True or Max (for fixed unconditionally at the maximum FSM value at zero heel and trim). If "All" subparameter is not present, then this option is disabled for any tank preset to non-True FSM when Load Editor started. Note that the /FSM parameter is ignored if /TRUEFSM is present.

LEw now displays any non-frozen tank using a FSM method other than True with a caret mark ("^") after its contents name.

LEw Draft Header box shows specific gravity of the water environment in the upper-righthand corner (unless /SEAdensity parameter was already directing sea spgr into the main header box).

New Longitudinal Strength (LS) Enhancements

LS /FRA /LIM, when bulkhead shear corrections are present, now shows uncorrected as well as corrected shear and omits the location column. The LS plots now show both corrected and uncorrected shear regardless of whether the weight curve is shown, except when deflection is present.

LS report summary, when limit percentages are present, now includes both the percentage and the value of greatest shear and bending moment.

LS command turns off any pre-existing deflection before proceeding, which previously influenced results even when no section moment of inertia data was available or when /NODEFLECT was present.

LSLIMIT MMT now supports the same sign for maximum and minimum bending limits, in which case the minimum limit can be compared to the actual bending moment values on the plot but otherwise has no effect. When using the same sign for these limits, be sure they are used only where actual bending moment cannot switch sign, or else "LS Limit sign error" would be trapped.

New Multi-Body (MB) Enhancements

MB SOLVE PRIMARY /FIX:Auto|Trim|Heel|None[:lowangle[:highangle]] parameter was added to specify trim or heel fixing behavior during primary session solving. Default AUTO mode initially solves by simultaneously varying both heel and trim (if not fixed by the FIX command), but upon failure switches to a backup solving method which works through a series of solutions for different fixed trim or heel values until a combined solution is found. TRIM or HEEL mode goes directly to fixed trim or heel solving when idle awaiting user input. NONE mode never switches to backup fixed solving (useful for avoiding conflicts when multiple primary sessions are present). Low and high angles can be included to restrict backup fixed solving angle range. Note that AUTO mode is usually fastest, but complex interactions that demand fixed solving may benefit from skipping the initial fruitless solving stage.

WRITE (Fixed) /NAME:name writes the current value of MB interaction weights only if the specified name precisely matches the format " Interaction @ n " where n is an interaction critical point number (so /NAME:" Interaction @ *" writes all interaction weights). When interaction weight values are written, their names have leading and trailing spaces stripped so can be distinguished from actual active interaction weights. Interaction weights are omitted by all other forms of the WRITE and SAVE commands.

MB ground point solving was improved, especially for difficult cases involving more than two vessels.

New System Variables

FLDTANK and TGTTANK system variables were added to return any tank name associated with the lowest flooding or weathertight critical point.

PDESCR system variable was added to return the current part description when a single part has been selected.

TCONTEMP system variable was added to return the temperature and unit ("F" or "C") of the selected tank, or undefined if not petroleum.

TCONDESC system variable now returns contents description in a standard format unaffected by Load Editor changes.

LOAD and LOAD2 system variables now return results with 5 digit precision.

======= Minor New Features =======

ADD PREFIX maximum number was increased from 30 to 99.

CC report now shows column headers at the top of each continued page.

COMP /FORM report now shows column headers at the top of each continued page, and the report's overall format was improved.

COMP /VOL matches {DISPL} better for very large vessels.

CUSTOM (GHSERIAL) READ 0 varname now loads the variable with:
1. zero if no valid data has been received since communication was STARTed;
2. positive number of seconds since last valid data was received if any
    changed data was received since the last time READ 0 was done; or
3. negative number of seconds since last valid data was received if no
    changed data was received since the last time READ 0 was done.

CUSTOM (GHSERIAL) CLEAR was added to clear the current value of all data items.

DAMSTAB /SDI now tolerates tanks of DAMAGED type provided they are not involved in the regular flooding (i.e. are not listed in a DIVISION).

DIVISION command error message is now more explicit when the FWD or END division location is uncertain.

ENTER GS plot resizing and scaling has been generally improved, preventing occasional hangs and truncation of minimum or maximum values,

HMMT REPORT formats moment totals as positive numbers with the appropriate direction indicator (e.g. port, starboard, etc.).

LIMIT [(n)] REPort outputs limits to both screen and report file.

NOTEs sent to fancy boxed reports in MESSAGE REPFONT mode replace any sequences of two or more tilde ("~") characters with spaces as the final step before being printed. If a tilde appears between variable-evaluating braces, it is treated as a space, then if the result includes two or more consecutive spaces, they are converted back to tildes (so they will be shown as spaces in the final printed output).

READ speed was improved when GHS.KEY lists multiple access methods by starting with the last successful method (which is cleared on failure).

SAVE /NOVAR parameter was added to omit writing variables. This /NOVAR parameter is also effective for WRITE [(ALL)] and WRITE (SAVE).

SCreen MEssage message displays message directly to the screen like the MESSAGE command, except: (1) there is no special treatment of keywords and parentheses; and (2) output goes to the screen even if a MESSAGE (REPORT) file is open.

SE asks to save changes before quitting whenever deck edge lines are added or removed.

SET operations and {varname:n} formatting were made slightly more precise.

STATUS, HMMT, and TMMT headers include draft for any mid perpendicular (MP) location specified by the LBP command.

TANKS command improved its selection mechanism for tanks that intersect the given boundaries. Formerly the selection was based on the overall boundaries of the tank. Now it takes into account details of the tank geometry.

TEMPLATE execute or exit button fields may be marked with /ENTER:0 to disable the Enter key by default when pressed with focus on any non-button variable input field (which can be overridden for specific variable input fields by marking them with their own /ENTER:n parameters).

TEMPLATE error recovery has been improved to avoid infinite error loops and smashed error messages.

TC includes the tank description in the plot header and nondisplay data.

Volume and weight unit conversions were made slightly more precise.

WRITE/SAVE commands now immediately trap "File is Read-Only" when attempting to overwrite a read-only file.

======= Bug Fixes =======

CC cross curves angle of downflooding was, in some cases, not as precisely determined as it normally is.

CC was trapping "Not enough weight" when there was no weight and non-zero heel.

COMP /FORM values were sometimes overflowing for very long or broad vessels.

COMP /VOLUME|TONNAGE was not tallying the total volume to precision past the seventh significant digit for very large vessels.

CONTENTS "oil@temperature" was corrupting the tank density if temperature was too high or too low, but now the tank contents temperature is adjusted if necessary to ensure it is in a valid range. As before, a beep is emitted to provide feedback when an invalid temperature is entered. This same behavior also applies when entering temperatures into the Load Editor contents column.

CONTENTS "oil@temperature" and Load Editor contents entry were emitting spurious beeps for valid temperatures close to the limit.

CONTENTS "name @ temp" without specifying spgr for a non-OIL petroleum name was putting an incorrectly-adjusted spgr in the contents table for future use.

CONTENTS "oil@" density was not defaulting properly to "oil@60F" for previously undefined oil substances.

DAMSTAB was sometimes giving the false error message "No compartments to flood" when flooding a port-side division inboard of the wings.

DAMSTAB /SDIC was misformatting table rows following undefined Smin values.

DAMSTAB was in rare cases repeating the last two divisions endlessly when the final division was short.

DAMSTAB /WRITE was trapping "invalid index" run-time error if any division contained a progressive flooding tank starting with a "+" prefix.

DAMSTAB /SDI was not treating out-of-bounds HBHD parameters correctly: when the HBHD was below the waterplane, it was skipping that case rather than representing it with V=0. This was resulting in inflated attained index contributions.

DAMSTAB /SDI was not restoring progressive-flooding tanks (those marked with the "+" prefix in the DIVISION list) to intact after flooding.

DAMSTAB /SDI in rare cases was not flooding tanks with a CL component followed by port-side components outside the division (port-side damage only).

DISPLAY PRINT was using an excessive margin for finely printed offset lists, leading to truncation of points at the end of long lines (since 11.14 only).

DISPLAY STATUS with a report active was failing to write any error messages to the report file.

DISPLAY STATUS /UPDATE was not effective for TYPE BUBBLE tanks.

DISPLAY STATUS /UPDATE was ineffective for TYPE BUBBLE tanks with negative nominal loads (note that load present shows positive due to bubble pressure).

ENTER PM no longer traps long-documented "END" abbreviation for Part Maker "ENDs" statement (requires updated PM.EXE).

FL was not accounting correctly for any initial non-zero trim, which sometimes caused erratic behavior when used with the /MINGM parameter (since 10.94E only).

GHS and HS commands report KML/GML/BML with the same number of decimal places as KMT/GMT/BMT when the longitudinal value does not exceed twice the transverse value, but that behavior is now suppressed when the longitudinal value is so large that it would run into the adjoining moment column (since 11.04C only).

HELP and other commands running external programs were causing the main program to halt with a "Path/file access" error if the current directory is the root of a drive not containing the program directory (e.g. D:\ for programs in C:\GHS).

HMMT screen report was not always showing the updated heeling moment when conditions change (unlike HMMT REPORT).

HMMT WIND /BAND was, in some cases, not applying the Shape Coefficient accurately.

LEw righting-clicking different tanks within the Contents column was occasionally showing the "Change substance" option even for protected tanks (though if selected, the substance would not change for these protected tanks).

LIMIT (n) OFF used to delete the last deck, freeboard, or equilibrium plus angle type was not clearing to prevent future "Only one allowed" errors.

LIMIT reports were showing "Flood to TFlood" instead of "Flood or TFlood" for angle to FLD TO TFLD limits.

LOAD * /PRessure:atmospheres was not behaving the same as LOAD /PR:atmospheres.

LOAD /PRESSURE:atmospheres was sometimes ineffective for nearly-full tanks.

LOAD EDIT was sometimes triggering a "GAMMA FAULT" error when setting a load greater than 99.9% but less than 100% full for tanks without sounding tubes (since 11.32 only).

LOAD EDIT /LS was not applying any /NODeflect, /E:elasticity, and /INITSOLVE parameters when performing longitudinal strength calculations.

LOAD EDIT /CRANE module was not automatically updating crane capacity% when boom azimuth was 90 degrees.

LOAD EDIT was sometimes triggering a "GAMMA FAULT" error when setting a load greater than 99.9% for frozen tanks with sounding tubes (since 11.32 only).

LOAD EDIT|STAT was overflowing for TCGs showing 100.000 meters or above.

LOAD EDIT "Unsort" button was only sporadically appearing following execution of the IDLE macro or other macros without screen output in LEw (since 11.08 only).

LS ignores any /NOTOL or /EVAL parameters passed from Load Editor, instead of applying them as if matching its own /NOTable and /E:elasticity parameters.

LS /FRA reports were sometimes misformatted for very large shear values or when frames had not been defined.

LS /LIM was including moment percentage in the summary only if a shear limit was defined, regardless of whether a bending moment limit was defined.

MAXRRAH system variable was sometimes unreliable (since 10.74D only).

MAXVCG was sometimes trapping "No displacement" upon completion.

MAXVCG /LOOKUP was unreliable when its displacement and LCG ranges did not match those for the original MAXVCG command which generated the lookup table.

MB WAIT[:seconds] /SUSPEND parameter was ineffective without ":seconds" present.

MC /NEWGF was trapping "invalid location" run-time error (since 11.40 only).

MC file FIXUP was overwriting file.BAK if it already existed (since 8.16 only).

MESSAGE ALTVERSION version is no longer reset by the CLEAR command.

MESSAGE REPFONT for fancy boxed reports no longer splits normal sentence breaks (two spaces following period, question mark, or exclamation point with optional closing bracket or quote) into separately justified table fields.

MESSAGE PLOTSTART custom plots were trapping spurious "Unknown keyword" errors when no data rows were specified.

PART, LOAD, TYPE, REPFT, and FSMMT tank lists now trap "Illegal tank name" if an asterisk appears anywhere except at the end of a tank name (the same as was already done for the TANK command).

PM32 OPPOSITE statement was not copying all part attributes such as contents.

PRINT file /PAGE:n and "Quick print page" option for PRINT file /PREVIEW were superimposing pages for fancy boxed reports.

PRINT was trapping "Not enough cells on line" error when the customer heading on the top line of each page contained multiple consecutive spaces.

PRINT now truncates instead of omitting completely any objects (such as arrows) that don't fully fit within the plot area.

PRINT /PAGE:start was using the wrong text color when not starting on the first page if it contained a plot.

Project menu "Change subdirectory" dialog was not listing any subdirectories if the master project directory contained spaces.

RA /LIM:ATT was incorrectly reporting "P" (passed) when a weathertight point was always submerged. Zero was reported for the attained limit (not unreasonably), but the pass/fail indication was incorrect. This applies only to the limit: "LIMIT ANGLE FROM EQU TO FLD > 0" (since 9.56G only).

RA /LIM with a GM-at-equilibrium limit was finding the negative upright GM in some cases.

RA /LIM was on very rare occasions finding an angle of weathertight downflooding that was slightly out of tolerance, causing limit evaluations involving downflooding angle to be falsely negative.

RA /LIM was not recognizing as UNDEFINED the case where a LIMIT command references freeboard as the second termination angle and the freeboard is negative at all heel angles.

RA and SOLVE were sometimes trapping "No underwater lateral plane area" for vessel surfaces covered with deducting components (which are now ignored when computing the mean depth of the underwater lateral plane).

RA report notes no longer contain a redundant line about "overturning arms derived from this moment" when only pull or thrust moments are present.

READ was not displaying appropriate "Network License" error information upon failure to check out a NETPlus license.

READ command was mixing up the screen header box when trapping "Section spacing too great" error (since 10.84J only).

READ was sometimes failing or checking out excessive licenses for MB sessions when GHS.KEY listed multiple dongle servers with different allowances counts.

READ file.GF /QUIET was trapping an error and creating a file.GF subdirectory when file.GF did not exist in the current directory even if present in the library path (since 11.06A only).

REPORT /BOX:COLOR fancy reports were not always extending background colors to the right edges of boxes when printed on A4 paper (since 11.14 only).

REPORT /BOX:COLOR|BW fancy report centered header lines were sometimes having their final characters truncated when writing to the Adobe PDF virtual printer. (Note this is a workaround for an apparent Adobe PDF bug; the problem has not been noticed when printing to physical printers or other PDF writing software.)

REPORT /BOX:COLOR|BW fancy report headers were sometimes misformatted when used with MESSAGE ALTVERSION.

REPORT /BOX:COLOR|BW fancy reports were trapping "Not enough cells on line" for RA /LIMIT:COMBINE, as well as miscoloring whenever two-digit limit numbers were present.

REPORT /BOX:COLOR|BW fancy CRTPT reports were misformatted for critical point names having multiple consecutive spaces.

REPORT /BOX:COLOR|BW fancy PERM reports were misformatted for 14-character part names.

SE filespec (or double-clicking filespec) was failing for any filespec containing "(" or ")" parenthesis characters anywhere in the path.

SE filename (part[\component]) parameter to specify a part and optional component was ineffectively trapping an error in Section Editor.

SHELL BARGE and HULL_MAKER wizard were failing under 64-bit operating systems.

SHELL OPEN ^^filename was trapping an error instead of locating filename in the program directory, and the ^ in SHELL OPEN ^filename was ineffective.

SOLVE was finding spurious upright solutions in rare cases where the maximum residual righting arm was slightly less than zero (since 10.34G only).

SOLVE and RA commands were sometimes finding slightly inconsistent results when the equilbrium angle was nearly but not quite equal to zero.

STATUS LPLANE was not blanking out above-water information for zero LPA.

STATUS was sometimes omitting weight information for BUBBLE type tanks if they were the only loaded tanks.

TC /SOUND was showing soundings in inches (or millimeters if metric /WEIGHT parameter present) instead of feet when not in metric mode (since 11.16D only).

TC /STOP:Full was sometimes stopping before tank weight and volume had quite reached their full values.

TC plots were showing the transverse coordinate in place of the vertical coordinate in the Reference Point box below the legend (since 8.76C only).

TEMPLATE field FILE varname /SHORT was not restricting the list to files matching any wildcard pattern initially specified in the named variable (which is the normal behavior without the /SHORT parameter).

TEMPLATE dialogs containing multiple <BOX "label"> fields sometimes failed to execute properly.

TEMPLATE underscore marks for keyboard shortcut characters were sometimes hidden when a template was redisplayed or started using a mouse click.

WRITE, SAVE, REPORT, and REN commands now ensure all directories exist so the output filespec can be created. SAVE command was failing for quoted filespecs containing parentheses.

WRITE/SAVE commands were not saving HMMT /NONEG and /COMBINE settings.

Previous Version Update Features

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