GHS Version 11.00 Update

New features, changes, and bug fixes since version 10.50

=========== MAJOR NEW FEATURES =========

New Floodable Lengths command with FL curve plotting

Floodable lengths calculations, reports and plots are now an integral part of the GHS main program. Though still sold as an optional module, there is now an intrinsic FL command which takes a list of permeabilities as parameters and produces a tabular report for each permeability followed by a graph combining the FL curves for all of the permeabilities. Particular bulkhead locations can also be given resulting in a graphical depiction that is easily compared to the curves.

New Weight Category Support

Non-liquid ("fixed") weight items can now be more easily organized into categories based on the first few characters in the weight item descriptions. An extension of he ADD command, ADD PREFIX, provides for the formal establishment of such categories. Individual categories can be reported using the LOAD STATUS command. Also LEw, the Load Editor with windows, automatically produces a right-click menu of established weight categories.

New Longitudinal Strength Indicators in Load Editor

The longitudinal strength indicators of shear and moment percentages relative to their limits can now be shown continuously in the Load Editor (LE or LEw). By running the LS calculations in the background, the Load Editor is able to report these values as they respond to changes in loading.

New LIMIT commands

A special case of LIMIT ANGLE recognizes weathertight (TIGHT) critical points as well as normal downflooding points at angles other than equilibrium:


where x is the minimum angle beyond equilibrium at which a flood or weathertight point would be immersed.

Another new variation of the LIMIT ANGLE command takes the greater of the second and third angles as the terminating angle. This behavior is specified by using the word "TO" between the second and third angles.

Mew Model FIXUP Command

A new command, FIXUP, was added to fix problems in a geometry file using MC FIXUP, and afterwards reading in the corrected file.

New Report Features and Enhancements

Additions to the STATUS report:

STATUS LIGHTSHIP shows only the light ship weight items.

The /DEADWEIGHT parameter adds a line in the report showing the deadweight as the total of all weights in excess of light ship.

STATUS DW shows deadweight as the difference between total displacement and total lightship.

CRTPT REPORT displays Critical Point information.

CONTENTS /TABLE parameter was added to output the substance table to the screen.

RA /FREEBD (or RA /LIM with deck immersion limits present) now plots a vertical line at the angle of deck/margin immersion.

New Styled Text Support

NOTE command outputs styled text when marked as follows: \ ... {+b}bold text{-b} ... \ ... {+i}italic text{-i} ... \ ... {+u}underlined text{-u} ... \ ... {+d}double-size text{-d} ...

READ /LINE in READ (DATA) mode now filters out control characters (except Ctrl-S is replaced by {+b}, Ctrl-T by {+i}, Ctrl-V by {+u}, and Ctrl-D by {+d}, alternating with {-b} etc. forms when repeated in the same line).

TEMPLATE Dialog Enhancements

TEMPLATE field /Apply applies input changes immediately to the associated variable, optionally executing a macro after each input variable change.

TEMPLATE /POS:BASE subparameter was added to position future persistent subtemplates relative to the specified template as a base.

TEMPLATE /Color and /Backcolor parameters support RGB color values and are inherited by subtemplates.

TEMPLATE /Grey disables the field depending on a given variable.

TEMPLATE /GAP sizes the margin around and gap between fields

New System Variables

CLPARS system variable returns any command line parameter string given when the program was executed.

LPA2 and LPAARM return the total above-water lateral plane area and the arm difference between the heights of the above-water and below-water lateral plane centers.

LINENUM returns the line number on the current page.

REPFILE returns the file specification of the current report file (empty if none).

RESMOMH and RESMOMHS return the residual moment in heel and the slope of residual moment vs. heel in the present condition.

TFSMMTL returns the longitudinal free surface moment of the selected tank(s).

WINDF returns the wind force.

The following new variables return minimum/maximum extents of selected tank geometry: TENDF - Location of fwd end TENDA - Location of aft end TINB - CL offset of innermost point (toward port side) TOUTB - CL offset of outermost point (toward stbd side) TBOT - Lowest point above baseline TTOP - Highest point above baseline

======= Minor New Features =======

-- ADD Command --

ADD /FIX parameter was added to prevent the weight from being changed in Load Editor (except the /FREEVCG parameter can be used simultaneously to allow editing the VCG only).


DISPLAY STATUS draws much improved black outlines during color printing.

DISPLAY STATUS draws all parts and components in farthest-to-nearest order for better three-dimensional realism. Formerly only tank parts were drawn in farthest-to-nearest order; tank views are never blocked by displacer parts.

DISPLAY STATUS profile view shows accurate and symmetric wave peaks even at high amplitude/wavelength ratios; body view now shows accurate wave depths.

DISPLAY STATUS shows project (if any) or geometry filename in the CG window title bar, just as is shown by GHS.

DISPLAY STATUS /NOSEA parameter was added to prevent coloring the sea beneath the waterline.

DISPLAY STATUS /NOCRIT parameter was added to omit critical points.

DISPLAY STATUS supports ' and M suffixes to specify longitudinal location values as feet or meters (e.g. BODY @ 10') regardless of any intervening unit changes; this is particularly useful when specifying CGPARAM variable for Load Editor.


-- CONTENTS Command --

CONTENTS "description", spgr with no tanks selected stores the description and specific gravity in the contents table, now preserving the upper/lower case of letters in "description" only if creating a new table entry or replacing a disabled table entry.

-- CUSTOM Cmmand

CUSTOM (GHSERIAL) TEST [testfile] loads test data from the specified testfile (or GHSERIAL.TST by default), simulated as if received via serial communication.

CUSTOM (GHSERIAL) READ 0 varname loads the named variable with the number of seconds since the last data packet was received, or -1 if nothing has been received since communication was started (requires updated GHSERIAL.DLL).

CUSTOM (GHSERIAL) supports the following new configuration parameter (requires updated GHSERIAL.DLL): $TIMEOUT seconds - internal timeout in seconds for reading packets


DAMSTAB /SDIx /MACRO now recognizes the user variable DAMSTAB_STATUS. If present and containing a positive value it causes the current waterplane parameters (depth, trim and heel) to be reported as equilibrium rather than the default fully-flooded equilibrium.

DAMSTAB /SDIx now finds the side of flooding more reliably without needing the /SIDE parameter. Also the solving time for cases where capsize occurs is shorter.

DAMSTAB /MACRO now recognizes two additional user variables: DAMSTAB_INBD and DAMSTAB_UPPER which are preset to the current values if the inboard and upper space indices, respectively.

DAMSTAB /SDI /MACRO now places the current division number(s) in the user string variable DAMSTAB_DIV if it has been defined.

DAMSTAB /SDI no longer searches for partial flooding after PS=0 is found.

DAMSTAB /SDI now strictly compares tank outboard locations with assumed damage penetration. Formerly a tank would not be flooded unless it was well within the space being damaged, which required that the "b" parameters be given to represent actual wing bulkhead locations. If accurate "b" parameters are given, the results should be the same now as before. However if arbitrary "b" values are given the results will now be valid if not optimal (formerly an inboard space could remain unflooded when a "b" value exceeding that representing an actual bulkhead was given).

DAMSTAB /SDI tolerance for identifying forward- and aft-terminal divisions was increased.

DAMSTAB /WRITE:runfile now properly includes in the TYPE FLOOD command those tanks which were used in obtaining the least S (using the case with more tanks when two S values are the same), rather than all tanks in the division(s) being flooded. Likewise DAMSTAB /MACRO gets the currently flooded tank list in the DAMSTAB_TANKS variable rather than all tanks in the current division(s). Neither of these changes affect normal DAMSTAB /SDIC results.


Default error beeping was outputting directly to computer speakers in a manner that could not be muted or redirected to headphones, but now correctly uses the more civilized Windows "Default Beep" sound (which can be changed in the Sounds control panel).

MESSAGE ERRBEEP ON|OFF was added to turn on or off the default error beeping.

-- HMMT Command --

HMMT, TMMT, THRUST, and PULL reports now consistently show the heel angle when thrust or pull forces are present.

-- LIMIT Command --

LIMIT with non-zero limit values no longer consider tight points as flooding, even at equilibrium, for the purpose of determining angle of flooding. For example, the first limit shown below does consider tight-point flooding at equilibrium for determining the FLD angle, while the second limit does not: (1) LIMIT ANGLE FROM EQU TO FLD > 0 (2) LIMIT ANGLE FROM EQU TO ABS 50 OR FLD > 20

LIMIT FLOODHT now disregards any TIGHT points that might be present and considers only true downflooding points.

LIMIT ANGLE n%EQUP can now have n as high as 300.

-- LOAD Editor --

LOAD EDIT /BUTTON templates support EXPAND and BREAK fields. Buttons appear on the left side of the LEw window before any BREAK, but appear on the right side after a BREAK. A second BREAK distinguishes buttons appearing above or below any right side /HMMT and /CRANE input boxes.

LEw shows "Wind Speed" input in a condensed half-width panel when the /HMMT parameter is used alone without a contents subparameter.

LEw shows a "MMT" light if any heeling moments, trimming moments, Thrust forces, or Pull forces are present (replacing the old "HMMT" indicator).

LEw shows a "WARNING" light if any header value is shown in red; this replaces the "GROUND" light which previously appeared for non-zero ground reaction.

LEw column header clicking now sorts secondarily on description (and thirdly on tank name) when the primary column keys are identical.

LOAD EDIT /STABMACro:name parameter was added to suppress effect and maximum VCG information in the LEw header box, instead displaying a stability value assigned by the named macro, which is automatically executed after any loading changes. The stability value should be assigned to the LESTAB_VALUE variable, and appears in red if negative. A descriptive label (up to 36 characters) should be assigned to the LESTAB_LABEL variable. If desired, a suffix character can be assigned to the LESTAB_SUFFIX variable.

Load Editor automatically solves for fixed-heel tank surfaces after any loading changes even when Auto solving mode is off; the approximately-equal mark still appears in place of certain colons until a full heel Solve is done.

Load Editor in Pull force mode allows editing Azimuth and Elevation values (instead of LCG and TCG); the "+" or "-" prefixes do not mark incremental change from the old values in the Azimuth and Elevation columns.

LOAD EDIT /PULL:label parameter was added to specify a replacement for the LEw "Pull" button label.

-- LS Command --

LS /PLOT parameter was added to optionally disable the plot or make plotted lines linear.

LS traps section moduli curves whose slope changes sign more than once if deflection is being calculated. If stress but no deflection is being calculated, the LS report contains the following warning: "Stress values may be inaccurate due to lack of correction for hull deflection."

-- MACRO Command --

MACRO and TEMPLATE execution is now faster, especially when many have been defined.

-- MAXVCG Command --

MAXVCG /TOL:tvcg parameter was added, where tvcg is the tolerance allowed in the reported VCG values relative to the maximum.


MC /LAYERS:@ input of .DXF files represent decimal points by either "$" or "_".

MC SHCP "Blip detected" warning is now non-fatal.

MC importing of Tank Property Files (.TPF) now supports explicit specification of tank part and component names, using the following format for the first line of data for each tank:

tankname [| [description] [| [part [\component]]]]

If part\component is specified, these names are used verbatim for the imported tank description. If only part is specified, then the component name is derived from the part. If the second vertical bar "|" appears without a part, then tankname is used verbatim for the part name. If no second vertical bar appears, then the part name is derived from tankname as in previous versions.

MC TPF importing supports up to 2000 rows per property table (no longer thinning excess rows). Property tables are stored in a more compact .GF file format which earlier versions of GHS cannot read.

MC TPF importing can now create symmetric trapezoidal shapes to better match VCGs specified in tank properties files, thereby avoiding READ /CALTOL errors.

MC /BOTHSIDES parameter was added to halve volumes and moments in existing centerline tanks for compatibility with TPF files specifying full-volume values (this does not apply to new tanks symmetric across the centerline, which continue to be created as full-volume "starboard" tanks).

-- MESSAGE Command --

MESSAGE (REPORT) filename /Verbatim parameter was added to prevent a bracketed variable name from being replaced by its value when embedded within the value of another bracketed variable that appears in a MESSAGE command used for filename output.

MESSAGE INTERRUPT OFF|ON|ALL was added to turn off (default) or on interrupting any called macro whenever a key is pressed or mouse is clicked then returning control to the level where ME INTERRUPT ON|ALL was done. ME INTERRUPT ALL attempts to interrupt any command execution after any user input, unlike ME INTERRUPT ON which more safely interrupts around completed commands.

-- PRINT Command --

PRINT maximum number of table rows was increased to 2000.

-- RA Command --

RA now tends to find equilibrium at the high end of the angle range rather than at the smallest righting arm in cases where there is a protracted range of near-zero righting arm.

RA /AREA can now operate with angle intervals of 5 degrees in most cases without producing the "Need closer angles for accurate area" error.

RA /LIM omits plotting the GM tangent line if LIMIT GM UPRIGHT exists and equilibrium is not at zero heel or the /GRAPH:NOGM parameter is used.

When both weathertight points and normal flood points are present, the RA plots now include curves for the heights of the lowest point in each category.

-- READ Command --

READ [/CALTOL%:percent] traps calibrated parts whose compartment volumes and CGs derived from property tables versus geometry differ by more than the specified percent (default=25%).

READ (DATA) supports data lines up to 10000 characters long (same as maximum command length).

-- SCREEN Command --

SCREEN NORM charwidth parameter was added to normalize the window using the specified character width in pixels (resizing if already normal).

-- SE Command --

SE displays more precise profile and plan contours for oddly-shaped components.

SE Ctrl-Z was added to deconstruct the deck-edge line for the current component, as the opposite of Ctrl-D.

-- SET Command --

SET ITEM n "list" operator was added to extract the nth text item from a list separated by spaces, tabs, or commas. A list item may itself contain separator characters if it is surrounded by quote marks.

SET CLEAN "string" operator was added to clean off any spaces to the left or right of the string along with any non-printable characters,

-- SOLVE Command --

SOLVE speed was increased by focusing more quickly on promising solution regions and reducing iterations when no uncapsized solution can be found.

SOLVE MAXVCG /FIXDIR parameter prevents heel direction from reversing, remaining the same as indicated by the ANGLES list.

SOLVE /NOMMT parameter was added to perform the solve without considering external heeling and trimming moments.

SOLVE has additional protections against unnecessarily returning a capsized equilibrium.

-- TEMPLATE Command --

TEMPLATE dialog boxes, LOAD EDIT /CG attached Condition Graphics window, and other GHS program windows now position themselves correctly on systems with multiple monitors.

-- TS --

ENTER TS increased its maximums for shapes, components, points, stations, etc.

-- VARIABLE Command --

VARIABLE declaration and retrieval is now faster, especially when many variables have been defined.

VARIABLEs with value "INFINITY" or "-INFINITY" are no longer being replaced with zero when fetched using numeric formatting (for example, if X="INFINITY" then {X:2} returns "INFINITY" not "0.00").

VARIABLE (type) name:min:max now automatically converts min and max to the current unit setting when using a unit-smart type.

VARIABLE ONLINE may now range from 0 through 16 to specify the background color of the LEw "ONLINE" headlight (0=off, 1=yellow, 8=orange, 16=red), which can be used to indicate diminishing online connectivity.

VARIABLE ROSTABH and MAXRRAH (both of which return values that require extensive calculations) now operate more efficiently.

-- WRITE Command --

WRITE (Fixed) filespec /NAME:name[*] parameter was added to only write the named fixed weight item, or only items whose names begin with prefix name if * is present.


GHS32 startup runs any OPEN-ext.RF file existing in the GHS program directory if the first command line parameter appears to be a filename and ext is the filename's extension.

======= Bug Fixes =======

AXIS changes trigger Condition Graphics updates in LOAD EDIT /SYNC mode.

CALIBRATED-type tanks including centers in their property tables now converge correctly to their volume settings; portside tanks without centers in their property tables now correctly use port instead of starboard TCG values.

COMPONENT /FORM/DEPTH:d1,...,dn was outputting an empty plot if DISK file.DAT/QUIET was active.

COMPONENT /SECTIONS was causing plot printout failure for undefined baseline depth values.

CONTENTS was failing to store the full contents description after matching on its first word; for example, CONT SALT was creating a new "SALT" entry instead of storing "SALT WATER" (since 7.80 only).

CUSTOM (GHSERIAL) was hanging instead of correctly implementing AN-PRO3 protocol (since 10.40C only).

DAMSTAB was repeating the division damage for nonexistent upper space in the absence of the /HBHD parameter in the DIVISIONS command (since 10.26B only; note that this is a potentially dangerous bug!).

DAMSTAB /SDIC in cases where the range of stability was zero and the maximum righting arm undefined was overflowing the print line. That field is now blank. This change is cosmetic and does not affect any of the calculations or displayed results.

DAMSTAB /SDI194C and /SDI194P were using /H:HMAX rather than /HBHD from the DIVISIONS definition in determining which formula to use for computing the V factor (MSC.194(80), Regulation 7-2, section 6.1).

DAMSTAB fancy reports no longer show "SUNK", "CAPSIZE", etc. lines in boldface.

DAMSTAB /MACRO with multiple-division flooding was not including all flooded tanks in the string variable DAMSTAB_TANKS (this did not affect the actual type=flood settings, which were correct).

DAMSTAB /WRITE:runfile was not putting the FLOOD commands in the run file (since 10.50).

DISPLAY STATUS was occasionally trapping "invalid location".

DISPLAY STATUS plan and profile views misdisplayed single-point end stations.

DISPLAY STATUS was sometimes inclining incorrectly with non-zero AXIS present.

DISPLAY STATUS legend box was overwriting critical point descriptions if no tanks were loaded.

DISPLAY STATUS PROFILE:OUTBOARD was sometimes excluding critical points from the legend box despite allocating space for them.

DISPLAY STATUS body view for parts with multiple disjoint dips below the waterline was only showing water in the first dip (since 10.26 only).

DISPLAY STATUS plan view correctly depicts frozen tanks whose cargo inclination differs from the waterplane.

DISPLAY STATUS plan view correctly depicts tank boundaries while displaying the waterline of flooded or damaged tanks.

DISPLAY STATUS title shows zero-axis heel and trim to match CG graphic views.

Fancy report tabulation was improved when dealing with tags ending in ":" or "=" appearing before numbers.

Fancy report tabulation was improved in cases where only one space follows ":" or "=" in aligned columns.

Fancy reports were sometimes misformatting part names that start with a number followed by a single space. Fancy RA reports were sometimes misformatting the flooding point portion for very long Critical Point names.

Fancy reports were occasionally trapping "Invalid location" when mixing Condition Graphic and plot output.

Fancy HMMT reports were not being formatted optimally, particularly for multiple thrust or pull items, or when thrust or pull was being combined with some other heeling moment such as HMMT TURN.

Fancy CRT REPORT and STAT CRT reports were misformatted when only one space separated column fields.

Fancy RA and STATUS CRT report printing was misformatted for critical point names containing consecutive spaces.

Fancy reports were all protected from misformatting description fields containing double spaces.

Fancy reports were not always aligning number properly in summary lines that introduced new subtables (such as for the HMMT REPORT).

Fancy LS, TORQUE, PERM, and LOAD STATUS reports were sometimes misformatted if an optional "*" suffix first appears on a continued report page.

Fancy PERM report description names containing double spaces were sometimes misformatted if no "Flooded" column was present.

Fancy CRTPT report description names ending in parentheses were misformatted.

Fancy custom report rules for MESSAGE REPSTART now allow header line to have no labels (just dashes) and to reset for a new custom report following three consecutive blank appended information lines.

Fancy reports were not correctly formatting STATUS "WEIGHT EXCESS" information.

HMMT WIND /BAND was sometimes not shielding components in the same part.

HMMT WIND /BAND was not giving accurate results when the origin was not at the center of the vessel. The underwater center was not always being recalculated when the axis changed. Files produced by WRITE and SAVE commands were not including the BAND parameter on the HMMT command.

IF FEXIST and string comparisons were failing when longer than 80 characters.

KEY key "action" "label" was not always immediately updating the key button label when the old and new labels had the same number of characters.

KEY font variation in footer button labels has been minimized following window resizing to reduced character width.

LIMIT ANGLE report involving an interval starting with PREROLL was showing "<" rather than ">".

LIMIT AREA type with weathertight points were not always taking downflooding at equilibrium when tight-point heights were submerged at equilibrium.

LOAD "itemlist" = load was failing for weight items containing spaces.

LOAD EDIT was not always properly cleaning up any synchronized Condition Graphics window.

LOAD EDIT /HMMT now always displays a Heeling Moment Input box for Wind unless the axis is non-zero. However, LOAD EDIT /HMMT:contents suppresses the Wind input field unless HMMT WIND is active, instead just showing a contents Heel input field in the Heeling Moment Input box.

LOAD EDIT /HMMT solving was always recognizing a changed Wind value input into the Heeling Moment Input box (since 10.22A only).

LOAD EDIT /LOGOCOLOR was specifying RGB color values with the 2 digits for red and blue reversed from the normal order used for HTML; now FF0000 is red and 0000FF is blue.

Load Editor was in rare cases hanging in a tight loop while flashing "SOLVING".

Load Editor was capsizing in rare cases doing Solve Heel (Ctrl-Z) or slight load changes despite having sufficient stability.

Load Editor and maximized GLMs run from a file that initially minimizes the GHS window using SCR MIN were sometimes switching to the wrong screen size when buttons such as LS are pressed.

LEw Condition Graphics integration has been improved, so the synchronized CG window doesn't unnecessarily close and restart (as when LOAD EDIT /CG is done within a macro or the "CG" button is pressed), any unit changes stay synchronized, and temporary files won't litter the working directory on exit.

LEw was sometimes confusing the highlight in the graphic view after sorting or aborting insertion of a new item.

LEw was not always turning off the "Maximum VCG" status line after MAXVCG OFF.

LEw was sometimes randomly misdirecting screen output into the spreadsheet area when a CRANE DATA box was present.

LOAD STATUS was reporting "Note: # preceding name indicates calibration mode" after every calibrated tank instead of at the end of the report.

LS /FRA and TORQUE /FRA commands were not including all frame locations in plots, so discontinuities were not necessarily being correctly represented.

LS and TORQUE commands were not counting any vertical components of thrust and pull forces.

LS and TORQUE were sometimes trapping "DELTA FAULT TYPE 4" when TYPE CALIBRATED tanks were present with table properties substantially different from geometry derived values.

Main program command prompt was being put in the wrong column in rare cases.

MAXVCG was sometimes reporting that closer angle spacing was needed rather than correcting the problem by lowering the VCG.

MAXVCG process was not always finding the highest VCG when the range of stability and max RA were very small, as sometimes happens with a criterion that only require a small maximum residual RA. (This type of criterion is not a reliable measure of stability since it does not consider energy; unfortunately it is used and accepted in some places.)

MAXVCG process was sometimes quitting too soon when it appeared to be cycling without progress.

MAXVCG process improvements were made when limited by area to angle at maximum righting arm.

MAXVCG process now finds the maximum VCG more consistently in cases where the range of stability is very small.

MAXVCG speed and reliability was improved in cases where the range of stability is small.

MC DXF importing was not respecting /UNITS:M[M] parameter when interpreting longitudinal text locations.

MC DXF conversion was failing to trim excess points for POLYLINE entities and combine consecutive adjacent LINE entities into POLYLINE entities, leading to spurious "Too many points on station" errors.

MESSAGE PLOTLABEL was not properly formatting the legend at the bottom of a custom plot which includes more than 6 curve labels.

MESSAGE PLOTLABEL labels are used when reporting custom plot errors such as column "must be monotonic".

MESSAGE REPSTART fancy custom reports were sometimes being misformatted when they appeared at the very top of a page or followed one after the other.

MESSAGE SEND command was not sending "|" properly when appearing within quotes.

MESSAGE SEND ON no longer prevents using commands like CC, GHS, HS, MAXVCG, etc.

MESSAGE SEND was trapping "Line too long" for commands longer than 76 characters received at the command line.

MESSAGE SEND command was not sending "|" properly when appearing within quotes and receiver was executing a macro, run file, or WAITing.

MESSAGE SEND was not always sending ME" and long command lines correctly.

MESSAGE SEND ON was inhibiting certain command activity such as display of GML and GMT columns in GHS reports; now MESSAGE SEND ON has no effect on any other command.

MESSAGE SEND was not always echoing when multi-command lines were received at the command prompt.

MESSAGE SEND communication was sometimes creating a phantom interaction weight for critical point (2) which disrupts the distributed WEIGHT command.

MESSAGE SPLASH ON was failing when run from accounts different than the original installation account.

PART command was falling for part lists exceeding 255 characters.

PM was sometimes trapping "Ambiguous component name" for valid component names.

PRINT was not always printing in color for color printers; although the /-BW override forced color output, any footer bitmap image was still appearing in monochrome.

PRINT /HEADMARGIN:inches was sometimes colliding the header with the first line of a plot page. PRINT to Nitro PDF was not appearing with correct colors.

PRINT /PREVIEW or PRINT /EMAIL with REPORT /BOX open were sometimes including a spurious final "continued next page" notification.

PRINT /PREVIEW /SPAWN repeated in rapid succession could possibly conflict.

PRINT /PREVIEW was not printing in black-and-white using the "P" or "Q" key if color was turned off using the "C" key or right-click menu selection.

RA /LIM, where a limit involved the deck immersion angle, was going into an infinite loop when the deck was immersed at zero heel. It now issues the appropriate error message.

RA /LIM with ROLL was, in some cases having low GM, stopping with a "Roll Angle must be first" error.

RA was not inserting the equilibium angle in the report table in cases of extreme curvature near equilibrium.

RA /LIM was sometimes issuing a false error message about needing closer angles for the Righting Arm Ratio in cases with EQU0 as an angle in a LIMIT while a LIMIT RAR was present.

RA in rare cases was failing to find and plot the GM.

RA /LIM and MAXVCG now handle better discontinuous behavior where the angle of downflooding is very sensitive to any small change when the lowest weathertight point immerses exactly at equilibrium.

RA was failing to find the angle of maximum RA in some cases.

RA was not reporting the angle of max in rare cases when the maximum RA was at the second angle.

RA markers such as "Deck Imm." were sometimes omitted from the FP Ht column or misformatted in fancy reports (since 10.02 only).

RA solving was improved to prevent trapping spurious "Righting arms undefined".

RA was sometimes inappropriately continuing after an error.

REPORT column headers extending to the end of the row were displaying spurious blank lines and distorting split-screen view mode when scrolling is enabled.

REPORT command was failing for full path specifications exceeding 80 characters.

SAVE & RUN save file was not always restoring the exact contents table when tanks stored variant spgrs or case for the same contents description.

SCREEN MIN underneath a TEMPLATE dialog box was being circumvented when clicking a taskbar icon due to a Windows Vista bug; now the main window flashes but stays minimized.

SE and MC /FIXUP no longer convert "#" to "_" in part names (since 10.04 only).

SE coloring of implicit station closures was corrected back to blue (since 10.38 only).

SE station display was sometimes inconsistent for ARC points and newly moved or created points (since 10.38 only).

SE was failing to show the deck edge line in isonometric and body views when deck edge markings are present only in a subsequent (but not the first) component of the first part.

SE was sometimes failing to draw the closures for non-centerline stations in isonometric and body views (since 10.38 only).

SE was sometimes trapping "invalid index" run-time error for shapes terminated by single-point stations.

SOLVE MAXVCG with trim fixed was using zero trim regardless of the trim value at the time the command was given.

SOLVE was occasionally getting bogged down retrying for an upright solution before giving up and returning a capsized result.

SOLVE MAXVCG process was sometimes stopping with the "Flooding before 1st angle" error when "Tight" flood points were involved.

SOLVE was sometimes capsizing instead of locating low ranges of stability.

STATUS FIXED:BRIEF does a much better job of combining similar weight items.

STATUS /PERMFOOT and any other reports ending in non-screen output were emitting a spurious final "+".

STATUS WEIGHT/FSM was sometimes omitting or misformatting the FSM column (since 10.02 only).

TEMPLATE /DEC:n parameter was causing blank variable values to appear as zero instead of a blank field.

TEMPLATE execution was trapping "invalid location" run-time error for field labels longer than 80 characters.

TEMPLATE /POS:SAMEposition was not initially locating at position relative to the entire screen when the program window was minimized.

TEMPLATE errors were occasionally popping up Load Editor instead of aborting to the command line.

TEMPLATE EXPAND fields were not handling unit-smart VARIABLE types correctly.

TEMPLATE REM lines no longer report errors for any undefined variables.

TEMPLATE static fields containing multiple underline ("_") characters were sometimes truncated. Note that the first "_" normally disappears, underlines the following letter, and marks it as a keyboard shortcut, but this behavior can be suppressed by using a doubled underline ("__") or ending the static field with a single underline character.

TEMPLATE default "OK" and "Cancel" buttons were not reflecting the overall template color scheme specified by /Color and /Backcolor parameters.

TC /SOUND /WE /VOL was trapping "Expression out of bounds".

TC report lines were sometimes running into the margin for too large GML.

TC /VO/WE/NOREF/FSM now shows FSM when the load list is specified in ullages or soundings.

TC was unnecessarily emitting an initial blank page for long load lists.

TYPE (*) INTACT was sometimes causing spurious parts to be highlighted on the command area vessel graphic.

VARIABLE TLCG, TTCG and TVCG were not returning current values in some cases.

VCG MAX now produces an error message rather than simply a warning message when there is no data for the current condition.

VIEW and HELP scroll bar dragging was unresponsive under Windows Vista (since 10.06C only).

WPLEN system variable and the L value in RMO ROLL were affected by a possible miscalculation of waterplane length when components of displacer parts had different longitudinal shift vectors in their component definitions.

WRITE (LOADS) when restoring the default part list was truncating it if it exceeded 255 characters.

WRITE (LOADS) was omitting the command to turn off the default part list if it was off originally.

WRITE and SAVE with ground points now put the waterplane specification before any ground points to ensure that the ground points are not changed by a subsequent DEPTH command.
Previous Version Update Features

Copyright (C) 2008 Creative Systems, Inc.