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Demonstration of progressive tank filling where an air bubble gets trapped in a portion of the tank.
    `Demonstration of progressive tank filling where an air bubble
    `gets trapped in a portion of the tank.  The portion of the
    `tank where the air bubble forms is modeled as a separate tank
    `and its load level is calculated with respect to the pressure
    `in the air bubble.
    project TANKTRAP
    enter pm
    loa 999
    create tank1a.s
     loc @  0 = 0 0, 20,0, 20,30, 10,30, 10,10, 0,10
     loc @ 10 = 0 0, 20,0, 20,30, 10,30, 10,10, 0,10
     tube 5,15,0,  5,15,30
    create tank1b.s
     loc @  0 = 0 10, 10,10, 0,12
     loc @ 10 = 0 10, 10,10, 0,12
    quit pm
    variable ds, ds1, y, k, v0, dh1, l1
    set k = 33.9 times 1.025 `Head of water per atmosphere of pressure.
    macro bubble
     `%1 - sounding in main tank
     `%2 - height ABL of bottom of bubble tank
     `%3 - full volume of bubble tank
     set ds = %1 minus %2 minus {ds1} `Effective head above bottom of bubble tank
     if {ds}<0 then load 0 | exit
     set y = {ds} div {k} plus 1 `Pressure in atmospheres
     set y = %3 div {y} `Volume of air V = V0/P
     set y = %3 minus {y} `Volume of water
     load vol:{y}
     set ds1 = minus {height} `Level of water above bubble tank's bottom
    macro bload1
     `%1 - bubble tank name
     `%2 - height of bottom of bubble tank above bottom of sounding tube
     `%3 - longitudinal center of tank for viewing cross section
     tank %1
     ref bottom
     load 1
     set v0 = {tvolume} `maximum volume of air bubble
     set dh1 = %2
     set l1 = %3
    macro bload2
     `%1 - sounding
     `%2 - name of main tank
     `%3 - name of bubble tank
     load (%2) snd:%1 `load main portion of tank by sounding
     tank %3
     set ds1=0
     .bubble (3) %1, {dh1}, {v0} `do the bubble macro multiple (3) times to converge ds1
     display (*) status body @ {l1} /yesempty
    .bload1 tank1b.s, 10, 5
    .bload2 (6,4) 9, tank1a.s, tank1b.s
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