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Demonstration of the READ (DATA) Command
    `Reading and parsing data from a separate text file
    `Download FORM.TXT to use with this example run file.
    template info "About the Read (Data) Command"
    "A special mode is started by READ (DATA) filename and ended by READ (DATA)"
    "OFF. While this READ DATA mode is active, the READ command inputs sequential"
    "data items from the current filename line to fill each specified variable,"
    "delimited by comma, space, or tab characters (unless /DELIM had specified a"
    "different delimiter); any non-filled variables are set empty.  Input advances"
    "to the next line after filling the final variable only if the current line is"
    "now empty or /SKIP is present.  However, if /LINE is used, the rest of the"
    "line is read unmodified into each variable before advancing.  Testing whether"
    "the last line was emptied (and a new line was started) can be done using the"
    "IF [NOT] EOL THEN ... structure.  Testing for the end of the data file can be"
    "done using the IF [NOT] EOF THEN ...  structure."
    proj read
    variable(str) w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7 ,w8, w9, w10, w11
    macro readln
     .readword(11,1) 1
     if {w1} = "LENGTH" then ,,
      if {w4} = "BREADTH" then ,,
       if {w7} = "DEPTH" then exit .lbd
    macro readword
    if %1 = 11 then read w%1 /skip else read w%1
    macro lbd
    me Depth: {w11}, Waterplane Length: {w3}, Waterplane Breadth: {w6}
    read(data) form.txt
    me (report) parse.txt
    .readln(150,1) 1
    me (report) off
    read(data) off
    edit parse.txt
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