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Example Wizard File for an inclining. NOTE: There is also a wizard within GHS.
    save temp.old
    write (macros) temp.mac
    clear macros
    clear variables
    report off
    page 1
    variable spgr0,spgr1:1:1.1
    variable q,h:-10:10,d1,l1,d2,l2,d3,l3,d4,l4,d5,l5,d6,l6,d7,l7
    variable gmtmmt,repmode,cleared
    variable (string) self,proj,size,note:0:78,t
    variable (string) fa1,sd1,fa2,sd2,fa3,sd3,fa4,sd4,fa5,sd5,fa6,sd6,fa7,sd7
    set size="small"
    set repmode=0, cleared=0
    set proj="INCLINE"
    set self="INCLINE.RF"
    template about "About this wizard"
     "If this is the first time you have run this wizard in the present"
     "working directory, your present geometry and loading condition, if"
     "any, will be used as the starting point.  You can then make any"
     "adjustments necessary to represent tank conditions and other loads"
     "existing at inclining that are to be separate from light ship."
     "However YOU MUST ENTER DRAFTS even if you have specified drafts"
     "prior to running this wizard."
     "Depending on whether you have done SOLVE or LIGHT SHIP last before"
     "pressing Ok, the as-inclined condition or the light ship condition"
     "will be saved as a run file named {proj}.sav.  It will also include all"
     "of the settings (drafts, etc.) and it is autometically run the next"
     "time you run this wizard so that you will not need to reenter the"
     "But if you exit the wizard dialog through the Cancel button, your"
     "original condition gets restored."
     "The fixed weights and tank loads present at inclining (weights to subtract)"
     "are saved in a run file named {proj}.cnd."
     "Any weights to be added into light ship (weights to add) are saved in"
     "This wizard is itself a run file that defines its own macros.  In order"
     "to avoid overwriting macros by the same names that you may have"
     "defined it saves your macros and restores them before it ends."
    macro defaults
     set spgr0=1.025
     if "{sea}"<>"" then set spgr0={sea}
     if "{spgr1}"="" then set spgr1={spgr0}
     if "{fa1}"<>"" then exit
     set fa1=%1
     set fa2=%1
     set fa3=%1
     set fa4=%1
     set fa5=%1
     set fa6=%1
     set fa7=%1
    macro readsave
     run {proj}.sav /call
    macro save
     report off
     save {proj}.sav
    macro unload
     delete all weights
     load (*) 0
    macro getcnd
     macro case
     macro t
       if fexist %%91 then run %%91 /call
     .t {proj}.cnd
    macro delcnd
     macro t
      if fexist %%91 then erase %%91
     .t {proj}.cnd
    macro clear
     template t "Warning"
      "Are you sure you want to clear all inclining settings?"
      "Yes" "No" exit
     if {templok}=0 then exit incline
     .t {proj}.sav
     .t {proj}.add
     set cleared=1
     template t " "
      "Please rerun this wizard to begin fresh."
      "Ok" exit
    macro savecnd
     write (loads) {proj}.cnd
    macro saveadd
     write (fixed) {proj}.add
    macro getadd
     macro t
       if fexist %%91 then run %%91 /call
     .t {proj}.add
    macro drstr
     set sd%1=""
     if "{d%1}"="" then exit
     if "{l%1}"="" then exit
     set q={l%1}
     if "{fa%1}"="FWD" then set q=minus {q}
     set sd%1="{d%1}@{q}"
     set t="ok"
    macro setwpl
     set t=""
     heel {h}
     .drstr 1
     .drstr 2
     .drstr 3
     .drstr 4
     .drstr 5
     .drstr 6
     if "{t}"="" then depth=0 | exit
     set error=-1
     draft {sd1} {sd2} {sd3} {sd4} {sd5} {sd6}
     template t "Warning"
      "Faulty draft specification:"
      "  {sd1} {sd2} {sd3} {sd4} {sd5} {sd6}"
     if {error}<>-1 then .t
     set error=0
    macro le
     fix depth
     load edit
     vary depth
    macro scrstat
     stat fixed:br tanks:br wpl:total /fsm
    macro repstat
     load (*) status
     stat ghs
    macro stat
     if {repmode}=0 then .scrstat else .repstat
    macro wts
     tanks off
     st fixed:brief
    macro tks
     tanks *
     st tanks:brief
    macro cg
     display (*) status
    macro checkval
     if "%1"="" then set t="missing" | exit
     if %1<%2 then set t="too small" | exit
     if %1>%3 then set t="too large" | exit
     set t=""
    macro solve
     template t "Error"
      "GMT Moment is {t}"
     .checkval "{gmtmmt}" 0.001 999999 | if "{t}"<>"" then .t | exit
     water {spgr1}
     gmtmmt {gmtmmt}
     template t "Note" /pos:bottom
      "The as-inclined condition is shown above."
      "CG" exit .cg | "<-- Press here for the Condition Graphic"
      "Ok" exit
     if {repmode}=0 then .t
    macro report
     template t "Note to be included on first page of report "
      "Ok" exit
     page 1
     \Inclining Report\
     report {proj}.pf
     set repmode=1
     set repmode=0
     report off
     template t "Note"
      "You can print this report through the Report pulldown menu."
      "The report file name is {proj}.pf"
      "Ok" EXIT
    macro add
     tanks off
    macro ltstat1
     stat weight, displ
    macro ltstat2
     if {repmode}<>0 then page else cls
     stat weight, displ
     template t "Light Ship"
      "This is the light ship condition with the added weights included."
     if {repmode}=0 then .t
    macro ltship
     template t "Error"
      "Drafts missing or too small."
     if {fweight}<0.01 then .t | exit
     heel 0
     trim 0
     water {spgr0}
     if {repmode}<>0 then .ltstat1
     weight *
    macro readgf
     template t "Note"
      "No geometry file has been read."
      "Do you want to locate and Read one now?"
      "Yes" "No" exit
     if {templok}=0 then exit
     template t "Geometry file"
      "Read" file t /ext:"gf" /exist
     if {templok}=0 then exit
     read {t}
    template whatgmt
     "GMT moment is the inclining moment / angle (radians)."
     "This is the slope of the line of plotted inclining moment vs. angle,"
     "or inclining weight x distance moved / tangent (angle)."
    macro incline
    template t2 "Inclining Wizard" /pos:bottom %1
     ""                             | ""               | ""   | "About" .about | "Resize" exit resize
     ""                             | ""               | ""   | "Clear" exit clear
     "Specific gravity"                spgr1
     "Heel angle"                      h
     "Average (port & stbd) drafts at longitudinal locations:"
     "Draft 1"                         d1              | "@ location 1"     l1 | "FWD" "AFT" fa1
     "Draft 2"                         d2              | "@ location 2"     l2 | "FWD" "AFT" fa2
     "Draft 3"                         d3              | "@ location 3"     l3 | "FWD" "AFT" fa3
     "Draft 4"                         d4              | "@ location 4"     l4 | "FWD" "AFT" fa4
     "Draft 5"                         d5              | "@ location 5"     l5 | "FWD" "AFT" fa5
     "Draft 6"                         d6              | "@ location 6"     l6 | "FWD" "AFT" fa6
     "Draft 7"                         d7              | "@ location 7"     l7 | "FWD" "AFT" fa7
     "Weights to subtract (present at inclining but not in light ship):"
     ""                             | "Weights" .wts   | "(fixed)"
     ""                             | "Tanks"   .tks
     "GMT moment"                      gmtmmt          | "?" .whatgmt
     ""                             | "Solve"   .solve
     "Weights to add (not present at inclining but to be included in light ship):"
     ""                             | "Add"     .add
     ""                             | "Light Ship"  .ltship
     ""                             | "Report"  .report
     "Ok" "Cancel" EXIT
    exit t2
    macro dialog
     if {size}="default" then exit incline
     exit incline "/size:{size}"
    macro resize
     template t "Resize dialog box"
      "default" "small" "medium" "large" size
      "Continue" EXIT
     exit dialog
    macro doincl
     screen nohead
     me inclining wizard\
     if {templok}=0 then exit
     if {cleared}<>0 then exit
    macro init
     set h=0
    macro esc
     template t "Error"
      "Error encountered in running {proj}.sav."
      "Restart" "Exit" EXIT
     macro recover
      set error=0
      erase {proj}.sav
      run {self}
     if {templok}<>0 then exit recover
    if fexist {proj}.sav then .readsave /call else .init
    macro esc
    if "{gf}"="" then .readgf
    set t="AFT"
    if lunit="METERS" then set t="FWD" `origin is probably aft if meters
    .defaults {t}
    if "{gf}"<>"" then .doincl
    clear macros
    clear variables
    macro restore
     run temp.old /call
     template t "Note"
      "Original condition restored."
    if {templok}=0 then .restore
    macro restore
    run temp.mac /call
    scr head
    erase temp.mac
    erase temp.old
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