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#16: Maximum VCG source identification

The MAXVCG command now includes an /ID:"source" parameter, which allows you to attach an identification to the max VCG curves being generated. If the next MAXVCG command is /COMPOSITE, this identification is carried through and will remain attached to any particular point where the original curve had the lower max VCG. In this way, a final MAXVCG /LOOKUP report will display the source responsible for each Max VCG result.

For example, the following commands can be used to generate a set of composite MAXVCG curves based on three separate curve sets, identified as "Intact Energy", "Flooded Zone 1", and "Flooded Zone 2":

MAXVCG DISPL: 400 450 ... 700 /LCG: 50 55 60 65 /ID:"%1" %2
.MV "Intact Energy"
.MV "Flooded Zone 1" /COMPOSITE
.MV "Flooded Zone 2" /COMPOSITE
MAXVCG TITLE "Damage and Intact"

The "Source" column in the final MAXVCG /LOOKUP report would show which of these three cases provided each minimum max VCG result. (Note that the INTCRIT and DAMCRIT macros would need to be previously defined to establish different stability criteria, as would ZONE1 and ZONE2 macros to set certain tanks to flooded or intact conditions.)

In addition, when inputting max VCG information from an external source (using MAXVCG /EXTERNAL), an identification can be included along with the VCG by placing it after the VCG number on the same input line.

GHS version 12.52 or later is required to access this feature. For help updating your GHS version, please contact support@ghsport.com.

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