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Demonstrates finding reactions on blocks during drydocking.
    `Demonstrates finding reactions on blocks during drydocking.
    report off
    proj tao-3
    `---Read geometry---
    read {project}
    `---Begin report file---
    `---Dock floor slope (tangent of angle)---
    variable s
    set s = 0`.005
    `---Draft mark locations---
    lbp -310, 310
    `---Initial drafts---
    draft 18.5 @ FP, 24.5 @ AP
    `---Estimated VCG---
    vcg 35
    `---Other data---
    variable la,lf,dl1,dl2,m,n1,n2,sz,ns,ls,ts,vs
    set la =  300  `Location of aftmost block from origin (see geometry file)
    set lf = -300  `Location of forwardmost block from origin (see GF)
    set dl1 = 31.58  `Distance (spacing) between aft blocks
                    `(first or aftmost series)
    set n1 =  17  `Number of blocks in first series (do not use 18 blocks)
                  `due to getting only one side block
    set dl2 = 4   `Distance (spacing) between aft blocks (second series)
    set n2 = 0   `Number of blocks in second series
                  `Note: n1 + n2 < 18
    set ls =  100  `Location of side blocks from origin (see GF for origin)
    set ts = 22.5 `Distance of side block from CL
    set vs = 3   `Contact point of side block above ship's BL
    set m = .10  `Increase this number to increase penetration (deformation)
                  `higher number for less stiffness, more penetration/deformation
                   `"Penetration" is block deformation
                  `m = 0.2 typical value used for grounding calc, values varies
                  `depending upon length of vessel and soil condition, etc.
    set ns = 18   `Number of steps for drydocking evolution to determine
                  `"knuckle reaction"
    set sz = 0.5  `"Step size factor (increase for larger steps)
                  `Trim divided by 15 (arbitrary factor), this factor is used
                  `in conjunction with "ns" factor
    `====== End of Input Data ======
    variable n,l,p,dl,dp,x,t
    set n = 20  `Max number of blocks
    `---Solve for weight & LCG---
    solve weight, lcg
    `---Set up blocks---
    macro block
     if {n} = 0 then exit
     set t = %1 minus {la}
     set p = {s} times {t}
     ground "%4Block @ %1" * %1 %2 %3 /pen: {p} {m}
     set n = {n} minus 1
    macro blocks
     .block {l} 0 0
     set l = {l} minus {dl}
    macro sayerror
     \ Error: %1
    set l = {la}
    set dl = {dl1}
    set s = tan {trim} minus {s}
    if {s} < 0 then .sayerror "Trim must be greater"
    .blocks ({n1}) `Makes first (aftmost) series of aft blocks
    set l = {l} plus {dl}
    set dl = {dl2}
    if {n2} > 0 then .blocks ({n2}) `Makes second series of aft blocks
    set l = {lf}
    .blocks `Makes most fwd block @ end of block length (single block)
    .block {ls} {ts} {vs} "Stbd Side "
    set ts = minus {ts}
    .block {ls} {ts} {vs} "Port Side "
    `---Report macro---
    macro status
     status displ:total, wpl:total
    ` status ground    `use this Cmd for simplified report
     ground report     `use this Cmd for complete report
    `---Initial Condition---
    `---Use a critical point to track the waterline---
    `Set at initial draft at aft block
    part hull
    ref {la} 0 0
    set t = minus {height}
    crtpt (1) "Tracking pt." {la}, 0, {t}
    `Define macro to do step
    macro step
     set x = {x} plus %1
     height (1) {x} `Sets the waterline relative to the critical point
     solve trim  `Find equilibrium holding heel constant
    set x = 0
    set dl = {la} minus {lf}
    set t = {s} times {dl}
    set t = {t} times {sz}
    `The variable t now contains the step size
    .step ({ns}) {t} `Number of steps in parentheses

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