project longjob variable worstlim=9999, worstcase variable newresults=0 macro snoop if {newresults}=0 then exit me send me "Worst limit: {worstlim:1} case {worstcase} hold loads {loads}% set newresults=0 / me send on me send cls read report load (*) 0.2 draft 8 vcg 10 solve weight, lcg limit area from equ to ra0 > 20 limit area from equ to fld > 10 angles 0 1 `lots of angles to make this simple run take longer `A very simple case generator to keep this example short: macro case variable loads set loads = %1 times 10 load (hold*) {loads}% / macro loadcase .case %1 ra /lim if "{LIMMARG}"="" then exit if {LIMMARG}>={worstlim} then exit set worstlim={LIMMARG} set worstcase=%1 set newresults=1 / .loadcase (10,1) 1 .snoop me send off print preview report off quit